Plastic Tubing - All in stock now


Lady in a large plastic tube!Tubes from drinking straw size, to plastic tubes you can stand in & bigger!

We keep vast stocks of standard clear and decorative tube colours, however almost any colour and finish you can imagine is possible.

  • Comprehensive range of plastic tubing
  • Cast, Continuous Cast, Extruded & Polycarbonate tubes stocked
  • Colours, opals & metallic tubing available
  • Satine/frosted plastic tubing available
  • Fluorescents available
  • Cut to size service available
  • Special structurally bonded lengths to order
  • Happy to sell entire tubes or single pieces
  • Technical advice on stress analysis available
  • Great optical clarity with good impact strength
  • Colour swatches available to download from tolerance tabs.

Case Studies

Sheffield Council

As part of a Sheffield City refurbishment scheme, we were asked to structurally bond eight massive acrylic beams 5400mm long and 150mm thick, in the town hall square.

Selfridges and Co.

In March 07 we delivered 11 tons of acrylic for 92 free standing & wall mounted directional signs for a new wayfinding system at Selfridges, for their Oxford Street store.
